Sunday, November 4, 2012

To throw or to sew?

During the storm last week I decided to start making a coat. It's on my list of things to make, and I had purchased fabric for the Gertie Sew Along. I decided that I to make the Burdastyle's Talea coat because A) it is pretty cute and B) it was free. (I also wrote about that here) I decided not to add the epaulette tabs because I am self conscious about my shoulders and all that stuff seamed like it would be to much. It all started out so well...

First mistake
I have made a few Burdastyle patterns before and I have generally been satisfied with the fit and sizing, but this was the first oat I had ever made. So I didn't make any pattern adjustments (other than adding a lining). 

What a sad sack I am in.
Second mistake
Then, I decided to do some top stitching that deviated from the directions. I thought it would give the coat an Anthropologie-ish flair by zig-zagging on either side of all the seams.  It looked nice but made it twice as hard to rip apart. And then it turns out it doesn't look that nice.

Third mistake
My instincts told me I should use some sort of interfacing in the shoulders and collar, but the directions didn't say anything about that. 

Fourth mistake
I looked at the other finished Taleas on and felt really lame. Sigh. 

So now I have a 4/5 finished coat that I hate. HATE! I just want to make something else. But, you see, therein lies the problem. I also really dont want to add ANOTHER half finished project to the discard pile. Ergo...

To throw or sew.  Do you have this problem? Why is it so hard to just push through and FINISH? Maybe if I finish I wont hate it (yeah right). But even if I do hate it, won't I feel better about myself if I can just push though and get it done? 

Well, I am no going to find out. Goodbye Talea. You made me so happy and then so sad.

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